A question that ranked 4th on Google related to hair in 2024. Over 14,000. So I thought I’d offer advice and debunk myths about growing your hair.
We all want our hair to grow more and faster (well… most of us) and they’re lots of old wives tales about how to do it. Washing your hair with cold water is my favourite. Imagine 🥶 that one definitely doesn’t work!
Your hair has a constant growing cycle that takes around 4 months per hair strand. Giving growth of around 1/4 - 3/4 inche a month so your hair is constantly renewing itself, so like all things in your body nutrition is key. The easiest way I can explain it is your body has a poirority system if it doesn’t have enough nutrients that it needs. 1st poirority is brain, heart and lungs. The last ones are hair and skin. That’s why when you’re run down the first things that aren’t “right” are your hair and skin.
A common myth is if you don’t cut your hair it will grow more. One hand yes but it won’t grow well. Think a piece of string, if the end gets frayed it won’t get better, the damage will just travel up the string so more and more of the length you won’t be able to use. Your hair is exactly the same. Trim regularly so the ends don’t get split and cause damage so as your hair grows it will grow better giving you a much better end result. Preventing the damage from occurring on your hair is crucial too. Be gentle while brushing and combing, start at the bottom and work your way up. Less heat too, too much can dry your hair out leading to breakage down the line. Chemical damage can prevent hair growing well too, ask your hairdresser for advice on what colour service can work for you while growing your hair.
Another myth but does have some merit is massaging your scalp makes your hair grow. Directly it doesn’t, however. Massaging stimulates blood flow round your scalp which can stimulate hair follicles (where your hair grows from) so there is some benefit but doesn’t directly impact.
So to summarise I suggest to get good hair growth good nutrition, gentle when drying and styling hair, advice from your hairdresser about your colour and regular trims.
Happy hair growing
Capillus Hairsalon